How is this different from just positive affirmations?That is a great question! While the system does use positive affirmations as the tool to help you change your subconscious mind, there is so much more to it than just that.
It's kind of like having a whole bunch of tools to build a house, but you don't actually have any blueprints. While you might be able to do some things with the tools, you aren't going get a house unless you have blueprints and know to use the tools together to get the result you want.
Positive affirmations are wonderful and amazing! But the whole system lays out the 'blueprint' of how to actually use positive affirmations to make lasting change in your life!
If you want to help people with this, why don't you give it away free?
Another awesome question! But let me ask you something, how many free ebooks, reports, & courses have you gotten that are just accumulating 'digital dust'?
In my experience and I know it is the same for many others, when I pay for something I am so much more likely to do something with it. I am reminded of a story I heard from one of my mentors, Russell Brunson.
He was a wrestler in college and one night his coach came to his apartment and knocked on the door. When he opened the door his coach handed him an old VHS video and then asked him for his wallet.
A little confused, he handed over his wallet. His coach opened the wallet and took out all the money in his wallet and then handed the empty wallet back.
His coach then said something like, "Good, now that you paid for that, you will actually watch it and study it!"
I have found that to be a true principle. That when you pay, you pay attention. And while that may seem strange that is why I will not give this away because I believe for most people they will get more out of it if they actually pay!