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How To See Real Change In Your Life

Without Wasting Years Trying To "Figure It Out" Yourself

(even if You Feel Like Everything You Have Tried Before Just Hasn't Worked)

From the Desk of Dr. Michael Schuneman, DC
RE: Take control of your thoughts and life

Did you know...

...more than 90% of people who set New Year's Resolutions each year FAIL to achieve them!

Here's the problem you face: good intentions are not enough to make real, lasting change in your life. Which means nothing changes and you end up doing the same things and self-sabotaging over and over again. Yet, you hope for different results but they never seem to come and you feel like you don't live up to your true potential!

But how do you actually make real change?

I am sure you have heard the answers before from the “gurus” out there, if you want to change your life you need to change your thoughts. You need to change your mindset!

This is true, BUT did they ever really explain just how you actually change your thoughts? Did you ever see a step-by-step process to in reality change your mindset?

Or was it just vague things like “think different,” “focus,” or “keep working at it”?

Yes, you do need to think different, focus, and keep working at it. But to make real, lasting change you can't just rely on your conscious mind. To make meaningful changes you need to change your subconscious need to change your beliefs!

You have probably heard that before too! But how do you actually “reprogram” your subconscious mind?

Well there are 3 ways to change your subconscious mind:

  • Hypnosis
  • ​Traumatic Experiences
  • ​Repetition
Believe it or not, up to the age of 7 our minds function on a level of partial hypnosis. This is why most of our subconscious “programs” are set when we are children.

And yes, you can use hypnosis to reprogram your subconscious mind, but then you have to rely on someone else to do it for you, trust they are programming what you would like, and that they are actually able to do it!

Traumatic experiences can also change your subconscious mind. Have you ever been faced with a life-threatening disease or illness? Lost a loved one? Experienced a traumatizing event?

These things can change the way you think, act, and see the world. But do you want to seek traumatic experiences out in the hopes it will change your subconscious mind in the way you want?

It is a flip of a coin whether a traumatic experience will help or hinder your mindset!

That leaves you with repetition, which is the best solution for reprogramming your subconscious mind. You get to be in control of what goes in, you can do it yourself, and it does not rely on constantly seeking traumatic experiences!

But you are smart and recognize that “repetition” is just another vague thing like “think different,” “focus,” or “keep working at it.” It doesn't actually get you any closer to having real change in your life.

Look if you have not had the success you want nor been able to make lasting changes in life, it's not your fault! There is a lot of information out there but it is often just bits and pieces of what you really need.

Luckily there is a solution! Let me introduce you to The Quick & Easy Positive Affirmation System.

  • A system to get crystal clear on the areas of life you need to change so you can have the success you always wanted which means you make a bigger impact in the world!
  • ​A step-by-step process to create the best affirmations so you can rewire your subconscious mind which means you make lasting change in your life!
  • ​A procedure to identify the mental blocks that keep you stuck so you can address the real problem which means you achieve your full potential!
  • ​A means to build the belief you need so you can take confident action which means actually following through on the things you want to do!
  • ​A fast and simple system so you can start seeing results as soon as you put it into action which means not waiting another day to get on the path to your dreams!
I know that sounds like a lot and you may be wondering what does this guy know about making real lasting change and why should I listen to him?

As I mentioned before my name is Dr. Michael Schuneman, DC.

I am a Doctor of Chiropractic and I graduated as Valedictorian not only from Palmer College of Chiropractic but also from my undergraduate studies at BYU.

Yes, I was Valedictorian twice! But I don't consider myself a genius. I consider myself a guy that worked really hard going through school because that is what you are “supposed to do” to be successful.

But as you probably know the real world doesn't always work the way it is “supposed” to.

After school and moving 900 miles with my little family I found myself in a completely new place, where we only knew one other person. I had no job, six figures of student loan debt, and not even a place to live.

It was an exciting and scary all at the same time. Can you relate?

I started my own practice and struggled for a year or two before hitting the lowest point in my life...

I wasn't suicidal but I really didn't want to live. One morning I just didn't want to get out of bed. I felt so overwhelmed and didn't know what to do...

...But I knew something had to change!

From that lowest point in my life I accidentally discovered the power of positive affirmations to change my own life for the better. (There are more details of this story in the course because it was a powerful learning moment!)

Now, don't think I am perfect and have gotten everything all figured out...But I do know I am happier than I ever was before, regardless of my circumstances. I have been able to achieve more of my goals than ever before. And I feel more peaceful and have confidence that things will always work out!

So, why am I telling you this? Because I know the power of repetition through positive affirmations to rewrite the subconscious mind from my own experience!

I put into this system what I have learned over the last ten years about making real, lasting change and rewriting the subconscious programs (that actually control what we do).

I know this works! I know it can work for you as well! But the only way that happens is if you can trust me enough to give it a try...

But don't just take my word for it, Here Are Other Students Have To Say...

"This is a great course to have! It guided me through how affirmations work and why they actually work. I learned how to write affirmations that work specifically for me. We all know that affirmations need to be specific but this course gave me a better understanding. It is worth having. We all want our lives to be better and this will help. Thank you Michael Schuneman for sharing this information to all!" ~Carrie W.

Also, so many others have understood the power of mindset.

Success in life is 80% psychology and 20% mechanics, what you do doesn’t matter if you aren’t in the right mindset.” ~ Tony Robbins

Napoleon Hill said, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

“Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.” ~ Charles Swindoll

I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” ~ Stephen Covey

Norman Vincent Peale said, “Change your thoughts and you change your world.”

“What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality.” ~ Plutarch

“A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug.” ~ Patricia Neal

“In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.” ~ Nikos Kazantazakis

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” ~ Jalaluddin Rumi

Harry Houdini said, “My brain is the key that sets me free.”

“Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
So many before have understood it is essential to have the right mindset, the right beliefs, the right mental attitude. The Quick & Easy Positive Affirmation System will give you the step-by-step process to actually build the right mindset, beliefs, and mental attitude.
When you invest in The Quick & Easy Positive Affirmation System, you have immediate access to The Quick & Easy Positive Affirmation System Course. This video course will teach you everything you need to know to put the whole system in place to make lasting changes in your life. It includes 3 modules:
  • Module 1: Introduction/Start Here
  • ​This gives the foundation to build your new life on. It gives you the understanding of just how powerful your thoughts are, what are positive affirmations, where did they come from, and what can they actually do (from actual research articles).
  • Module 2: How To...
  • ​This gives you the step-by-step process to recognize what needs to change and to create the ideal positive affirmation to reprogram your mindset and beliefs to accomplish your goal. This also gives you examples of how to go through the process as well as 7+ different “amplifiers” to make your affirmations even more effective. This module also answers the question “how long does it take?”
  • Module 3: It Doesn't Seem To Be Working, Now What?
  • ​This is probably the most important module! When it feels like things aren't working the way you would like, this module gives you the questions to ask to get to the real problem. It includes lessons on 2 specific powerful techniques to move past any obstacle you may face with your affirmations so you don't have to feel stuck.

Total Value: $297

And if you are here right now, it means that we are currently accepting students into the system! We close things down from time to time so we can work with the students and continuously improve the system!
You might be able to get in later, but think of the time that would be wasted not moving forward to achieve your goals and dreams! To give you an extra nudge to start the journey to a new life, I would like to offer you a deal for our relaunch.

But as a student I ask one thing, you to give me your honest feedback on the system. What you love, what could be better, any areas that you get stuck, etc. that way I can continue to make it better!

When you check out today use the code FIFTYOFF to get The Quick & Easy Positive Affirmation System 50% off for only $147.
You might be able to get in later, but I have a special deal for our students that are ready to take action! But as a student I expect you to give me your honest feedback on the system. What you love, what could be better, any areas that you get stuck, etc. that way I can continue to make it better!

To say thank you for putting your trust in me and this system, get The Quick & Easy Positive Affirmation System today 67% off for only $97. Use the code ACTIONTAKER when you check out for your discount.

But this is only for a limited time for students that are ready to take action NOW! If you leave this page and come back the code will be gone. Or if the timer runs out this section with the code will disappear. Remember, 'Fortune favors the bold!'

I want to make this such a “no-brainer” decision. Invest now and get these bonuses:

The Quick & Easy Affirmation System Notes/Activity Ebook

This companion notes and activity book is available as a PDF to download and print. Keep track of your biggest breakthroughs as you go through the system. It also contains activities to put into action what you are learning in each lesson so you can see results as soon as possible. (Total Value: $47)

The Quick & Easy Affirmation System Implementation Schedule

This series of emails will give you "bite-sized" pieces of the course that can be done in approximately 30 minutes. I know it can be overwhelming to figure out what to do, but with the implementation schedule, it is easy so you don't have to waste time planning which means you will see results faster. (Total Value: $37)

Positive Affirmation Expansion Audios & Videos

These Positive Affirmation Expansion sets come in audio and video so you can enjoy them however you like best. These guided affirmations give you ready-to-go tools to build Concrete Confidence and Inner Peace. Download the audios and take them to build your better life on the go. ( Total Value: $197)

Affirmation Posters

Surround yourself with positive affirmations! These 20 beautiful affirmation posters can be downloaded and used on your desktop background or phone home screen. You can even print them off and hang them up around your home, apartment, or office so you are constantly being positively reinforced with affirmations. This will help you see the positive changes you want even faster! Similar posters sell online for $10 to $20 each. (Total Value: $197)

Affirmation Reflections

These special positive affirmation statements get your mind primed and then reflect on several questions to identify actions to take so you can implement those positive things into your life. Reflection and deep thinking help to find the blocks and false beliefs that get in the way of making meaningful change. This Ebook of the 25 best affirmation reflections is a valuable tool to shortcut the progress you want in your life. (Total Value: $197)

Surprise Bonus In The Mail

Who doesn't like a surprise in the mail? Unfortunately, I can't tell you what it is, but this small little package contains a special gift for you when you join The Quick & Easy Positive Affirmation System. It will help you to remember the destination of this journey you are undertaking and that you are not alone. It is something that will give you hope and inspiration and I would like to share it with you! (Total Value: $47)

Total Value: $1,019 (All for just $147)

Use Code FIFTYOFF at Checkout For Your Discount!

Total Value: $1,019 (All for just $97)

Use Code ACTIONTAKER at Checkout For Your Discount!


I want to make this such a “no-brainer” decision. Sign up now and get these bonuses:

The Quick & Easy Affirmation System Notes/Activity Ebook

This companion notes and activity book is available as a PDF to download and print. Keep track of your biggest breakthroughs as you go through the system. It also contains activities to put into action what you are learning in each lesson so you can see results as soon as possible(Total Value: $47)

The Quick & Easy Affirmation System Implementation Schedule

This series of emails will give you "bite-sized" pieces of the course that can be done in approximately 30 minutes. I know it can be overwhelming to figure out what to do, but with the implementation schedule, it is easy so you don't have to waste time planning which means you will see results faster(Total Value: $37)

Positive Affirmation Expansion Audios & Videos

These Positive Affirmation Expansion sets come in audio and video so you can enjoy them however you like best. These guided affirmations give you ready-to-go tools to build Concrete Confidence and Inner Peace. Download the audios and take them to build your better life on the go
(Total Value: $197)

Affirmation Posters

Surround yourself with positive affirmations! These 20 beautiful affirmation posters can be downloaded and used on your desktop background or phone home screen. You can even print them off and hang them up around your home, apartment, or office so you are constantly being positively reinforced with affirmations. This will help you see the positive changes you want even faster! Similar posters sell online for $10 to $20 each. (Total Value: $197)

Affirmation Reflections

These special positive affirmation statements get your mind primed and then reflect on several questions to identify actions to take so you can implement those positive things into your life. Reflection and deep thinking help to find the blocks and false beliefs that get in the way of making meaningful change. This Ebook of the 25 best affirmation reflections is a valuable tool to shortcut the progress you want in your life
(Total Value: $197)

Surprise Bonus In The Mail

Who doesn't like a surprise in the mail? Unfortunately, I can't tell you what it is, but this small little package contains a special gift for you when you join The Quick & Easy Positive Affirmation System. It will help you to remember the destination of this journey you are undertaking and that you are not alone. It is something that will give you hope and inspiration and I would like to share it with you! 
(Total Value: $47)

Total Value: $1,019 (All for just $147)

Use Code FIFTYOFF at Checkout For Your Discount!

Total Value: $1,019 (All for just $97)

Use Code ACTIONTAKER at Checkout For Your Discount!


To make sure you don't have any hesitations there is an Ironclad 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.

I feel that if for whatever reason this doesn't “work for you” then I don't deserve your money. I am confident that if you go through The Quick & Easy Positive Affirmation System and actually put it into action you will change your life for the better in ways that you can't even imagine. So, I will give you a full 30 days to go through the system and try it out, and if it “isn't for you,” no hard feelings. I will refund your full purchase price.

You might still have a few questions...

How is this different from just positive affirmations?
That is a great question! While the system does use positive affirmations as the tool to help you change your subconscious mind, there is so much more to it than just that. 

It's kind of like having a whole bunch of tools to build a house, but you don't actually have any blueprints. While you might be able to do some things with the tools, you aren't going get a house unless you have blueprints and know to use the tools together to get the result you want.

Positive affirmations are wonderful and amazing! But the whole system lays out the 'blueprint' of how to actually use positive affirmations to make lasting change in your life!

If you want to help people with this, why don't you give it away free?
Another awesome question! But let me ask you something, how many free ebooks, reports, & courses have you gotten that are just accumulating 'digital dust'?

In my experience and I know it is the same for many others, when I pay for something I am so much more likely to do something with it. I am reminded of a story I heard from one of my mentors, Russell Brunson.

He was a wrestler in college and one night his coach came to his apartment and knocked on the door. When he opened the door his coach handed him an old VHS video and then asked him for his wallet.

A little confused, he handed over his wallet. His coach opened the wallet and took out all the money in his wallet and then handed the empty wallet back.

His coach then said something like, "Good, now that you paid for that, you will actually watch it and study it!"

I have found that to be a true principle. That when you pay, you pay attention. And while that may seem strange that is why I will not give this away because I believe for most people they will get more out of it if they actually pay!

The way I see it, you've got two choices...

Your first option is to do nothing. Which you might think is risk free, but the truth is that you are guaranteed that nothing will change! (Not changing in this ever-changing world is the riskiest thing of all)

Your second option is to make this small investment in yourself and take a leap of faith today and just see.

If you still have any question of whether it was worth it or not after going through the system, let me know and you will get a full refund. If it is not a win-win I don't want your money! I mean it!

There's really no risk. You have nothing to lose but your old way of life for something better. (I know that can still be scary, I get it. It is worth it. I promise.)
P.S. If you jumped down here to see what it was all about here is a quick recap. When you sign up today you get:
  • The Quick & Easy Positive Affirmation System Course (Total Value: $297)
  • ​The Quick & Easy Positive Affirmation System Notes/Activity Ebook (Total Value: $47)
  • ​The Quick & Easy Affirmation System Implementation Schedule (Total Value: $37)
  • ​Concrete Confidence & Inner Peace Positive Affirmation Expansion Audios & Videos (Total Value: $197)
  • ​20 Beautiful Affirmation Posters (Total Value: $197)
  • ​25 Affirmation Reflections Ebook (Total Value: $197)
  • ​Surprise Bonus In The Mail (Total Value $47)

Total Value: $1,019 (All for just $147)

Use Code FIFTYOFF at Checkout For Your Discount!

Total Value: $1,019 (All for just $97)

Use Code ACTIONTAKER at Checkout For Your Discount!

Because you are willing to take action, when you sign up today, get everything for just $147 using code FIFTYOFF at checkout. But you have to promise me to give your honest feedback about The Quick & Easy Positive Affirmation System!
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